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Crimson Class - Year 1

Crimson is a Year 1 class and the teacher is Mrs Hawkshaw.

Thursday 26th October 


What an amazing time we had at our Medieval Day today. The children looked fantastic in their costumes and thoroughly enjoyed the Banquet . We listen to various medieval music and learned to dance like real Kings and Queens. Even our class pet Beethoven joined in the fun!


Medieval Banquet Day!



Tuesday 24th October


We had a great time making fruit kebabs as part of our DT lessons. We practised our peeling, chopping and threading skills. We all agreed the best part was tasting all the yummy fruits!! 


As part of our History topic we worked in teams making castle models using junk materials. I was very impressed at the children's ability to work collaboratively sharing resources and ideas. 







IMPORTANT DATE - Medieval Banquet Day Thursday 26th October

Children can come to school dressed as a king, queen, knight or  even peasant!

This will be instead of PE on that day.


Today we have a had a lovely surprise visit from Mrs Fiaz with her beautiful baby girl Noor.  She told us how Muslim families celebrate new life as part of our RE learning. I was very impressed by the sensible questions by the children asked her and their exemplary behaviour. 

Welcome to Crimson Class!

 Hello Everyone. I am SO excited to be joining Carlton and having you in my class for a whole year! I hope you all have a great Summer holiday and we all get lots of sunshine and time with our family & friends. I will see you in September all refreshed and excited to learn.  

7th Sept

The children have settled into class wonderfully.  Everyone has made me feel so welcome at Carlton.  I was very impressed by all the creative home learning produced over the summer.


Mrs Purdy