Carlton Primary School

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School Information

School Day

 08.35 – School gates are opened for children to line up. Children to be supervised until the bell goes at 8.45am
08.45 – Staff will lead Nursery & Reception children into school to be registered                                 

08.50 – Staff will lead Year 1 – Year 6 children into school to be registered
08.50 – School day starts
09.00 – Arrivals are recorded as ‘late’ from this time
09.20 – Arrivals are recorded as ‘late and unauthorised’ from this time
11.45 – Nursery morning session ends (Wednesday)
12.20 – Nursery afternoon session starts (Wednesday)
15.15 – School gates are opened
15.15 – Reception & Nursery children to be collected
15.20 – Year 1 – Year 6 children to be collected

Please remember that before and after school parents/carers must not allow children onto any playground equipment.

Ready To Learn

Children who have slept well, eaten breakfast and had a morning drink are more likely to have activated minds that are receptive to learning. If you have any concerns about your child not being ready for learning, please have a chat with their class teacher or our learning mentor to share ideas and strategies.

A book bag for reading material is the most useful item of equipment! Most children from Year 1 onwards bring a small pencil case containing a few items of stationery. Extra equipment such as highlighters and maths tools are supplied in class when needed.

Children are not allowed to carry mobile phones during the day. Older children who walk to school are allowed to bring them provided they are switched off and handed in to their teacher by 08.55. For any questions about this, please communicate with your child’s class teacher. Reading records are important for younger ones to complete so they develop a reading habit and learn to manage tasks independently. This is expanded from Year 3 in preparation for high school with planners for children. Planners have 4 functions:

  1. Promoting self-management
  2. Communication between home and school
  3. Noting praise and achievements
  4. Evidencing reading on a weekly basis


All uniform for Carlton Primary School can be purchased from Graham Briggs School Outfitters or Smart Uniforms ( You can purchase online for delivery to your home.

In addition, our PTFA can help with pre-owned items, and sale or swap days are organised towards the end of a school year. Please ensure every item of clothing has a name in it! Permanent laundry markers are a great investment at around £3.00 and can be shared with other families. For more uniform details, please see our Parent Guide.

We do also keep a small stock of uniform that has been donated to school, please contact the school office for more information.

Uniform Policy

Recycle School Uniform

Smart Uniforms flyer


Children in the Foundation stage and Key Stage 1 receive a piece of fruit each day. We also encourage Key Stage 2 children from Year 3 onwards to bring a piece of fruit or a healthy snack for playtime.


We offer a daily carton of milk to all of our children from Lower Foundation right up to Year 6. Please see the flyer below for details.

School Milk UK


We encourage children to drink water at frequent intervals throughout the day. Please provide a transparent named bottle containing fresh, still, unflavoured water each day. Please ensure bottles are washed daily. School water bottles can be purchased on School Money.

Home School Agreement

Consistency of approach between home and school is the key to successful, confident and respectful children. We have high expectations of all our children and work very closely with parents to ensure those expectations are upheld. Our foundation for working together is the home-school agreement which is renewed and signed at the start of every year by all our families.

If the document is something you do not feel comfortable signing, please make an appointment with our Headteacher in order to discuss this further.

 Home School Agreement