Carlton Primary School

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Nursery Admissions

Children can start in our Nursery the term after their third birthday.

Child’s date of birth and term When they’re eligible to join nursery
1 January – 31 March (Spring) Summer (after Easter)
1 April – 31 August (Summer) Autumn (September)
1 September – 31 December (Autumn) Spring (January)

We offer flexible sessions:

Front of the week- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AM

Back of the week- Wednesday PM, Thursday, Friday

Full time (30 hour eligibility required)- Monday- Friday

Our session times are-

Full day 8.45-3.15

Half day 8.45-11.45/12.15-3.15

We would love the opportunity to show you around our wonderful Early Years environment. We hold a number of Open Days/Evenings, information on upcoming events is below:

Open Day 28th September 2024

Admissions into Nursery are organised through the School Office. If you are interested in securing a place in our Nursery. Please complete the form below and email it to or drop it into the school office.

Nursery Admission Form

Nursery Admission Letter

Nursery Fee Policy