Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium funding is a government initiative to help raise achievement for vulnerable and other disadvantaged children.
If you or your partner are in receipt of certain benefits you may be able to claim additional funding for schooling.
Likewise, if children have parents in the services or have been adopted/under Special Guardianship then they will also qualify. This extra source of money is to help support children in very individual ways.
Please claim your entitlement by ringing Leeds Education authority on this number 0113 222 4404. Your entitlement will always remain confidential and your child will be treated equally (as all children are) with appropriate extra support where needed.
At Carlton, we are totally committed to ensuring that provision is made which maximises learning opportunities for all of our children and their individual needs. Please speak to Mrs Weaver (SENDCo/Inclusion Leader) if you have any questions.
Please see details of how Pupil Premium funding is being spent and its impact: