Carlton Primary School

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Welcome to Nursery - Champion Class

Champion's class teacher is Miss Ryder.

6.6.24- Nursery have not stopped talking about our last topic, 'I wonder what is on the next page'. We explored everything books! We focused on the author Julia Donaldson and loved reading her stories together. The story bus even made a special visit, where we explored even more books!

'I wonder what is on the next page' topic


27.2.24 - Nursery loved their bubble popping today! They enjoyed the sensory aspect, as well as building the muscles in their hands.

Bubble Popping!



15.1.23 - This term we linked our dinosaur topic to volcanoes! The children worked so hard on creating their own volcano for their home learning. We were amazed with their hard work. At school we carried out a science experiment, mixing bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and washing up liquid and watched the explosion happen!




14.12.23What an amazing day in Nursery! We have been working very hard at Elf school; making gifts, reindeer food, gingerbread men, singing, dancing & much more! We have followed our elf rules and have been fuelled by elf treats! We finished the day by having yummy hot chocolates & graduating!


9.11.23- We have celebrated Bonfire Night in Nursery this week. We warmed our hands on the fire, listened to fireworks, had a yummy treat and spoke about our experiences of Bonfire Night.

Nursery Bonfire Night



26.10.23 - We had the most amazing Halloween party in Nursery! We did lots of singing, dancing, games, apple bobbing, mummy wrapping, cooking and much more!

Halloween Party



19.10.23 - Today Emma came to visit us to tell us how she helps people! Lots of our children recognised Emma from before and after school. She spoke about her uniform and her lollipop stick. She even let us have a turn at holding it like she does!

Crossing Patrol Visit!



18.10.23 - WOW! What an amazing day we have had! The children have loved dressing up as what they would like to be when they are older and getting into role today! We have been amazed by the role play and discussions we have heard in class. What a great end to our people who help us topic😀

Take a look at what we would like to be when we are grown up...

When I am older...






 18.10.23 - Today doctor Richard came to Nursery to tell us about his job and how doctors help people. He brought along lots of run resources that he uses at work, including pen torches, crutches and bandages. 

Doctor Visit



12.10.23Another super visitor today, a dentist! She told us lots of good facts including how many times to brush our teeth, how to brush our teeth (to always let our grown ups help) and about food that’s good for our teeth. The dentist did remind us that water is best for our teeth and that we have this in our water bottles at school. The children did fabulous listening and loved using the resources 🦷!


10.10.23The children have had another special visit today! We have had a visit from the fire service, who brought the fire engine into school for us. Some of the firefighters came into the classroom and spoke to us about fire safety. We listened to a smoke alarm so that we were all aware of the noise to keep a good listen out for at home and school. They learnt what to do in case of an emergency and the very important number of ringing 999! The firefighters told us all about the uniform they wear and why they need to wear it and they told us all about the different emergencies that they go to.

We then got to go outside and have a look around the fire engine. We got to have a sit in the fire engine where the fire fighters sit and have a go at squirting the hose pipe to pretend to put out a fire! This was certainly a favourite thing for a lot of them to do!

Fire Service Visit



6.10.23 - Champion Class have been learning to recognise their name and then using this to vote for our class story. They are getting super good at counting the votes to find out the winning story each day.

Voting Station



4.10.23 - This week in Nursery we have been learning about people who help us and looking at different jobs. Today we had special visitors in school, two police officers! They kindly let us try on their uniforms, look at their special equipment and explore their van. We found it very interesting and listened really well. 

People who help us- Police Visit




 4.10.23 - This week we have had a shoe shop in Nursery! We have been learning about matching pairs. Miss Ryder's shoe box was a mess, the children did a great job at helping me sort the shoes into matching pairs. The children used great language including same, different, pattern and pair when sorting. We did have some fun trying on the shoes too!

Matching Pairs- Shoe Shop!






21.9.23 - Today in Nursery Mrs Toulson shared her secret recipe for the best playdough ever! The children worked with Mrs Toulson to measure and mix the ingredients. We enjoyed playing together with the playdough after and did fabulous sharing.




13.9.23 We have LOVED making 'smoothies' today in Nursery. I must say, they were yummy! We have been using the skills of squashing, mixing, pouring and many more! I was super impressed with the children for sharing and taking turns with the resources. 

Messy play- smoothies!



11.9.23 Today in Nursery we had so much fun having a pencil disco! We experimented with a range of patterns this week. We are looking forward to trying a new pattern next week.


Pencil Disco




7.9.23 It has been lovely to welcome all of our Nursery children into school this week. We have had lots of fun exploring all areas of the classroom and outdoor area. We have been so lucky with the weather and especially loved the water play! I have also enjoyed sharing many of my favourite stories with you all. I am glad to find out that we have lots of Julia Donaldson fans! I look forward to the fun we are going to have this half term. 

First week in Nursery


Hello Champion Class! I am very excited to welcome you all to your new Nursery classroom in September. We are busy getting the classroom and all the toys ready for you! I look forward to getting to know you all and your families very soon. Our first topic is based around ‘I wonder what is special’ where we will learn about each other, your interests, your families and much more. Have a great summer. 

Miss Ryder 😊


Both in the classrooms and in our outdoor area we have a variety of areas of provision so that all the children can access different resources to develop their skills. Children’s interests drive curiosity and exploration, with the environment and provision being key for children to develop and progress their own ideas to help them become capable independent learners. We recognise that every child is an individual and unique and setting challenges and questioning provides children with wider learning opportunities. At Carlton, we believe working together with families and the community is highly important to support children.

Session Times: Providing a safe and secure environment helps children to develop the confidence to begin to explore and experiment. The routines we have are important in developing this sense of security.

  • Front Week – Mon/Tue 8.45 am – 3.15 pm and Weds 8.45 am – 11.45 am
  • Back Week – Weds 12.20 pm – 3.15 pm and Thu/Fri 8.45 am – 3.15 pm

Some of our children will be with us for 30 hours each week and attend all sessions. You will bring your child to the Early Years Playground entrance and they will be greeted by the class teacher there every morning at the Nursery classroom door. This will be where you come and collect your child on collection too.



This is where you will come into your classroom every day, and put away your things before the start of the sessions. Your peg will have your picture and name on it to look for.


Each day starts with ‘Carpet time’ where we will all sit together, do the register and then do a focussed learning activity. This could be based on numbers, stories, speaking and listening, or topic work depending on what we are learning about that week.


We have time set aside in the morning for ‘snack time’ where the children can sit together, have some fruit, milk/water and chat or a story.


After carpet time, children have time to discover and learn through play. The activities and provision put out helps to guide the children’s knowledge but also give them the chance to create their own games and develop their skills. During this time, children are able to interact freely with their friends, both in the classroom and outside. They will also take part in group activities or individual tasks led by staff. Towards the end of the session, we stop for tidy-up time and then settle on the carpet with a small carpet session and a story before getting ready for lunch. This routine is then repeated in the afternoon with different activities.