Carlton Primary School

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Welcome to Upper Key Stage Two!

In Upper Key Stage Two we strive to support children in their journey to become independent and responsible members of our community. To ensure this, we tailor learning to be purposeful and relatable to the wider world. For example, we encourage children to take greater responsibility for their learning and encourage independent problem solving across the curriculum. Children regularly evaluate their progress, successes are celebrated and mistakes seen as an opportunity to grow.

 Miss Pritchard

UKS2 Phase Leader

Heart Dissection 23.1.24 

UKS2 have thoroughly enjoyed their hands on science investigation dissecting hearts and getting to grips with the different parts of the heart. We were so impressed with the children’s resilience and their enthusiasm for giving it a go even when they were feeling a bit unsure about it. 

UKS2 Heart Dissection


Y6 Bike Ability  

Y6 have enjoyed their bike ability sessions with Cycle Safe. They have all learnt how to safely ride a bike and have shown determination and resilience. 

Bike Ability Y6

Autumn 1 

What a fantastic start to our UKS2 journey. We have been so impressed with the work produced by the children throughout Autumn 1 and are so proud of how much we have already achieved. We have produced excellent writing based on Jurassic World, create our own version of Roald Dahl classics, performed brilliant Harvest poetry, cooked pizzas, learnt all about the changes in Britain throughout the Stone Age and Iron Age period and completed some amazing maths work. We are really looking forward to continuing our learning next half term and seeing what our children can achieve throughout. 

UKS2 Autumn 1



Useful Information

PE days - Tuesday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor)

ACE Clubs - Athletics (Monday) and Rounders (Tuesday)

UKS2 Girls Football Club - Monday 

Leeds United Foundation Reading Stars Club - Thursday

Show and tell - during Tuesday's class assembly 

Home Learning 

Reading 3x a week - including a chapter of our class reader. (Set on Google Classroom weekly) 

TTRS 10 minutes - Set every Friday 

Spelling Shed 10 minutes - Set every Friday 

Weekly spellings - Tests are on Thursday

Topic research project - every half term. 


UKS2 Newsletter Autumn 1

UKS2 Newsletter Autumn 2

UKS2 Newsletter Spring 1UKS2 Newsletter Spring 2

UKS2 Newsletter Summer 1

UKS2 Newsletter Summer 2

Topic Webs 

Autumn 1 Topic Web

Autumn 2 Topic Web

Spring 1 Topic Web

Spring 2 Topic Web

Summer 1 Topic Web

Summer 2 Topic Web

Useful Documents

SATs information for Parents

Apps to Support Home Learning

Ideas for Books

Herd Farm Information 

Herd Farm information

Herd Farm Kit List 2024

Weardale Information 

Weardale Parent Information

Weardale Kit List