Carlton Primary School

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Welcome to Lower Key Stage Two!

We learn through fun and memorable learning experiences linked to our termly topics with hands on experience and independent research tasks. We work closely with parents to ensure we achieve the very best for each child. You can help to support children by ensuring they read regularly at home, at least 3 times per week, and keep an up-to-date record in their planner. Children should also practise their weekly spellings and do at least 10 minutes on TT Rockstars weekly. By the end of LKS2 all children should be able to fluently recall their times tables and many will become masters of TT Rockstars!

During LKS2 there is an opportunity for pupils to go swimming at the local pool with the aim to be able to swim 25 metres confidently.

Miss Dobbins

LKS2 Phase Leader


Autumn 1 newsletter

 Autumn 2 Newsletter

Spring 1 Newsletter

Spring 2 Newsletter

Summer 1 Newsletter

Summer 2 Newsletter

Topic overviews


topic overview autumn 1.pdf


topic overview autumn 2.pdf


topic overview spring 1.pdf



topic overview spring 2.pdf




topic overview summer 1.pdf



topic overview summer 2.pdf





Apps to Support Home Learning


multiplication tables check pdf silly school education.pdf