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Cherry Class - Year 2

Cherry is a Year 2 class and the teacher is Mr Fawcett.

Welcome to Cherry Class!

 IMPORTANT DATE - Medieval Banquet Day - Thursday 26th October

Children can come to school dressed as a king, queen, knight or even peasant!

This will be instead of PE on that day.


Hello and welcome to Cherry class. I am eager to get to know you all over the course of the year and am so excited about all the fun we’re going to have!  Three P’s to remember... 
Promptness- Please be on time to school as we don't want you to miss out! 

Preparedness- Brining your bottle, bag and book bag along with a jacket is paramount! 

Personalities- Everyone is unique and knowing you is part of my job, so please make me aware of medical conditions, appointments, homework, reading, weekend adventures etc so you can help me help you!  

Teamwork is crucial, I couldn't think of a "P" for this but it deserves its own paragraph and of course, teamwork makes the dream work! We need to all make sure we follow our class rules, ask questions, help our friends and make sure we attack each day being ready to learn! 

Have an awesome holiday, I can’t wait to hear all about it in September 😊 I will see you soon! 


7th Sept

Well done everyone - 100% attendance on the first day!  

Your holiday home learning was outstanding, thankyou so much for bringing it in and sharing with the class.  Please remember your water bottles and sun hats as it is still so hot.

Mr Fawcett 




The Children in Cherry Class have been writing instructions on how to catch fairies! Watch out fairies... Cherry Class are onto you!

Cherry Class Fairy Hunters


26th Sept

An adult sized top will be required for Tuesday afternoons. This top will need to be an old one as the children will be artists and using all manner of colour for their creations. 

Thankyou so much

Mr Fawcett



Children in Cherry Class were learning about human features in Geography today and have been constructing their own bridges!


Geography Cherry


Sports Day teams and their colours will be announced shortly! Please stay tuned!
Many Thanks,
Mr Fawcett