Carlton Primary School

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Our leading expert, who ensures Maths strategies are linked across the school-age groups is Miss Pritchard.


Our approach to maths is both skills and knowledge based. In order for children to develop into well rounded and passionate mathematicians, we aim to encourage the children’s understanding of the world around them and arm the children with the skills to approach everyday problems.

As a school, we believe that fluency is key. Children need to have a secure understanding of basic principles in order to deepen their knowledge of the maths curriculum further. Through our rigorously planned curriculum, children are encouraged to challenge themselves through the use of critical thinking and efficient and effective approaches to problems which they may face. All pupils are encouraged to develop deep thinking and question the way in which the world works, promoting the spiritual growth of our pupils. In maths lessons, children are always encouraged to delve deeper into their understanding of mathematics and how it relates to the diverse world around them. Sequences, patterns, measures and ultimately the entire study of mathematics was created to make more sense of the world around us and our aim is to enable all of our pupils to use maths as a tool to explore these possibilities through the use of rich, inspiring and challenging mathematical tasks.

Children are encouraged to make mistakes in a safe and supportive environment. They are supported to discuss these misconceptions with their peers and staff alike. Here at Carlton, we place oracy at the heart of our learning through shared work and class discussions. Use of appropriate vocabulary is modelled throughout lessons by both staff and children, allowing everyone to ‘talk like a mathematician’. Once a child can articulate their understanding of a concept, can they truly begin to make connections within their learning.

Course Outline

To help structure and plan our lessons, we use White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning to ensure firm foundations and sequence our learning. Alongside this scheme, we use a range of rich resources to enhance our lessons and deepen understanding from websites such as NCETM and Nrich.

 WRM Progression in Mathematics

Maths Progression Year By Year Guide

Calculation Year By Year Guide

External Links

Please follow the link below to find specific blocks from each term:

To supplement our learning here at Carlton, children have access to various learning platforms including Times Table Rock Stars and NumBots. Children access these both at home and in school.

Times Tables Rock Stars

Numbots Game

By Year 4, children should be able to recall their multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. To help them develop these skills, children can log on with their own username and password. On Times Table Rockstars, pupils can practise their tables. They are then able to improve their Rock Speed and climb the Rockstar ranks! The online games reward children with virtual coins for each correct answer, which they enjoy spending on upgrading their personal rock avatar.

NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. Children can access NumBots using their username and password for Times Tables Rock Stars.

Numberblocks – CBeebies – BBC