Carlton Primary School

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Welcome To Key Stage One

As children enter Key Stage One we encourage them to become more independent and resilient learners right from the start. Children have access to inspiring reading areas and choose their own support materials in both Maths and English to help with learning in class.

We seek to provide a curriculum that is rigorous in basic skills but is also creative and challenging. Take a look at our Topic Webs to see the exciting learning taking place each half term!

Mrs Paine

KS1 Phase Leader


KS1 Autumn 1 Newsletter

KS1 Autumn 2 Newsletter

KS1 Spring 1 Newsletter

KS1 Spring 2 Newsletter

KS1 Summer 1 Newsletter

KS1 Summer 2 Newsletter

 Topic Overviews

KS1 Autumn 1 Overview

KS1 Autumn 2 Overview

KS1 Spring 1 Overview

KS1 Spring 2 Overview

KS1 Summer 1 Overview

KS1 Summer 2 Overview

Home Learning

Apps to Support Home Learning


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